You can download the Bing XML Sitemap Plugin 1.0 binaries as well as the source code directly from the Microsoft Download Center or from the Bing XML Sitemap download page in the Bing Webmaster Help Center.
Bing XML Sitemap Plugin Features Overview
Sitemaps.org Compliant XML Sitemaps
The Bing XML Sitemap Plugin generates XML Sitemaps compliant with http://sitemaps.org/. In doing so, it creates two types of Sitemaps:
1. A comprehensive Sitemap based on recent traffic activity
2. A “delta” Sitemap that contains all pages that changed within a configurable time window.
(When we speak of “Sitemap” we mean the “Sitemap Index” and the actual XML Sitemaps themselves.)
Configurable URL Parameter Handling
By default, query string parameters that are seen by the plugin are not added to the sitemap URLs automatically. However, if your site uses query parameters to uniquely identify content you can easily include each significant parameter to the configuration file called normalization.txt.
Link rel=Canonical Handling
If your pages use link rel=canonical, then the plugin will use the URL value from <link rel=”canonical”> when found in the page’s HTML source as the URL to add to the XML Sitemap. Note: parameters that are part of the canonical URL will not be dropped regardless of whether they are listed in normalization.txt)
How does the plugin handle redirects?
The plugin will only add pages that return HTTP status 200 to the Sitemap. However, when you redirect a page after it was 200 previously, it will still show up in the Sitemap for some time, that is, until the configured time decay has passed (this is configurable using the VisitTimeoutSec setting).
404 Handling
The plugin also generates a Sitemap file that only contains requests that resulted in a 404 on the site. The location of this file is currently commented out in the Sitemap index file because it should not be seen as a regular XML Sitemap, but it can be used by the search engine to inform the index that these URLs are no longer valid.
The Plugin Honors Robots.txt Rules
The XML Sitemap Plugin honors the robots.txt rules you define in your site’s robots.txt in the sense that it will not add blocked URLs to the XML Sitemap.
More flexibility of what gets added: Disallow.txt
For added flexibility you can also add specific disallow rules for the Bing XML Sitemap plugin, using the same syntax as robots.txt in the file disallow.txt. Any disallow rules there will be observed by the plugin in the sense that pages matching the disallowed URL patterns will not be added to the XML Sitemap.
Automatic <priority>: How it is calculated
Since the plugin works off of traffic-based signals, it uses these to help establish a priority value for a given URL in the XML sitemap. Based on the premise that 0.5 represents the average priority and that more important URLs need to get awarded a priority higher than 0.5, the currently used formula to calculate priority is as follows:

In other words: the priority of the page is the visit count for the URL divided by 2 times the average visit count for the entire host site.
Longest period of time in seconds a URL remains in the Sitemap without being seeing any traffic. Default is 2592000 which equates 30 days.
Examples of XML Sitemaps Generated by the Bing XML Sitemap Plugin
Our partners at Microsoft use the Bing Sitemap technology at Microsoft, too. Two of our largest properties, MSDN and TechNet, which both contain millions of pages, have been using the technology to generate their Sitemaps since Beta, side-by-side with their prior systems.
(Note: You can see a working sample at http://msdn.microsoft.com/sitemaps2/trafficbasedsspsitemap.xml). These revisions, and this tool overall, should provide websites with a much easier way to build and maintain trustworthy sitemaps that are manageable across all scales.
source: http://www.bing.com/blogs/site_blogs/b/webmaster/archive/2013/05/23/bing-sitemap-plugin-1-0-launch.aspx
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