May 16, 2013

What are the Important SEO Meta Tags for the website

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Meta Tags
In SEO Meta Tags play an important role. Without these these getting your results on search engine is very hard. These meta tags help you to outcome the result. All are familiar with tags like title, description, keywords and robots.

But other than these tags there are many which are important in SEO.  Many of you may miss some of these tags, please check it and place on your website. All these has unique importance and these are some Google Search Engine related.

If you want your website be ranked on top of google, then you must check and place these tags on your website.


Plays key role in search results. From this title only Google would consider the relevancy of the results. So without the title tag you can’t get the results on the 1st page.

<title>Search Indus Update- Latest Search Engine News </title>


Meta description is known as snippet in SEO terminology. The description you would provide must attract the users to go into the site. The content is not fully stuffed with keywords. Just it gives clear idea about the idea or services of that particular page or website.

<meta name="description" content=" " / >


Most of you believe that keywords has vital role in SEO. But it false, Matt Cutts clearly said that keywords will not play any role in SEO. Even though you can keep 3 to 4 related keywords to your web-page.

<meta name="keywords" content=" Search Industry News, Search Updates, SEO Updates" />


After the above three tags the next important tag is Header tag. Header tag has most important in Search Engines. If you write your targeted keyword in Header tag, then that page can easily ranked on search engines.

<head> Search Indus Updates</head>

Robots File

Every Search engine has individual crawlers and bots. These bots will crawl all web-pages and content of that pages. Some sites have secure or important data in their page. You can restrict that data from crawling those bots. With this “robots.txt” file we can restrict the data visible to public.

User-agent: Googlebot/2.1
Disallow: /nogoogle.html

Follow & No-Follow Links

Google will consider only Do-Follow links. So be careful while link building to your sites. Yahoo may consider both Do-Follow and No-Follow links. You can also change the do-follow to no-follow links from rel attribute tag

<meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow">
<meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">

Google Webmaster Tools

You can check all your website data and links of your site. From this we can track all internal and external 404 errors. Notice all the site errors like meta title, descriptions, keywords etc. Website insights like Crawl Errors, Server Errors, Robots file can be known from it.

Most useful thing is Search Queries. From search queries you can track the keyword avg. positions, search impressions and clicks from Google. Also know the change in keyword impression and clicks.

<meta name="google-site-verification" content="oFEzayZqtYM_WLMVfzGmKC8WcfIy9gRtgxLR4GKWHao" />

Google Analytics

With this Analytics tool we can track each and every visit/view of the users. You can observe every click from analytics. You can increase your traffic or visibility of user from this report.


ODP means Open Directory Project. Sometimes google display title from open directory project. If both the titles of open directory projects and your website are same, then there is no problem. If it is different then you must use this NOODP tag.

By adding NOODP tag, we clear say to Google that not to consider title from displaying Open Directory Project. You’re saying that your current updates title must considered as title in Search Results page

For Google <meta name="googlebot" content="noodp"/>
For Yahoo <meta name="slurp" content="noydir" />
For Bing <meta name="msnbot" content="noodp" />

Canonical Link Element (Duplicate Content)

Google would crawl all the sites on the net, and it can recognize who has pasted the content from others site. Search engine gives least priority for a copied content site, So be aware of using copied content from your competitor site.

Sometimes you may use the same data in your multiple sites. Then you can use this canonical tag, which tells to Google that these two are your sites and the data is common for these pages.
Same information or content can be used in multiple sites by putting this tag.

<link rel="canonical" href="" />

New tags will be updated regularly. Follow updates by clicking on "join the site" button on right side of the page. For more SEO information Click Here


Written by

Prem Mohan is a Blogger who's passion is to write or provides information related to Search Engine Updates.


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